Date Title Speaker Count  
30 Mar 2018 14:30  How to Have More of God 
Praise Olatona  1 
30 Mar 2018 11:00  The Sacrifice of Christ 
Colin Dye  0 
29 Mar 2018 19:00  Caught up with the Lord 
Kristian Lythe  1 
28 Mar 2018 19:00  How to Win the Battle Within 
Colin Dye  1 
25 Mar 2018 18:00  The Work of the Holy Spirit in the World 
Colin Dye  4 
25 Mar 2018 14:30  Come, Walk with God 
Gabriel Chan  1 
25 Mar 2018 11:00  The Work of the Holy Spirit in You 
Colin Dye  4 
18 Mar 2018 18:00  The Awesome of God 
Colin Dye  0 
18 Mar 2018 14:30  The Roar of the Lion 
Chris Shimmen  2 
18 Mar 2018  A Strange Miracle 
RT Kendall  69 
11 Mar 2018 18:00  The Honour of God 
RT Kendall  54 
11 Mar 2018 14:30  Now is the Time! 
Scott Templeton  5 
11 Mar 2018 11:00  An Audience of One 
Bruce Atkinson  14 
4 Mar 2018 20:00  Desiring His Presence 
Amanda Dye  15 
4 Mar 2018 14:30  Kristian Lythe 
Love Tank: Empty or Full?  1 
4 Mar 2018 11:00  Sovereignty, Grace and Gratitude 
RT Kendall  83 
25 Feb 2018 18:00  Pitching Your Tent: Spending Time Alone with the Lord 
Kristian Lythe  1 
25 Feb 2018 18:00  Pitching Your Tent: Spending Time Alone with the Lord 
Kristian Lythe  3 
25 Feb 2018 14:30  Too Stressed to Rest? 
Gabriel Chan  1 
25 Feb 2018 14:30  Too Stressed to Rest? 
Gabriel Chan  0