Date Title Speaker Count  
9 Aug 2009 18:00  The God of Now 
William Lee  0 
9 Aug 2009 16:00  The Faith of a General 
Bruce Atkinson  0 
9 Aug 2009 13:30  Slim, Trim and in the Gym 
Gabriel Chan  1 
9 Aug 2009 10:00  Zacchaeus 
Bruce Atkinson  0 
2 Aug 2009 18:00  Revival Service 
William Lee  0 
2 Aug 2009 16:00  The Faith of God 
Bruce Atkinson  0 
2 Aug 2009 13:30  Looking Good! Is Image Everything? 
Dudley Hanciles  0 
2 Aug 2009 10:00  The Throne of Grace 
Colin Dye  2 
26 Jul 2009 18:00  Leaving Your Jerusalem 
William Lee  0 
26 Jul 2009 16:00  Living, moving & being in God’s Kingdom 
Colin Dye  0 
26 Jul 2009 13:30  Accomplishing Everything God Has Called You For 
Amanda Dye  8 
26 Jul 2009 10:00  Partnering with God 
Victor Hashweh  2 
19 Jul 2009 18:00  Leave Jerusalem 
William Lee  0 
19 Jul 2009 16:00  Living a transparent Life 
Colin Dye  1 
19 Jul 2009 13:30  Living Life By Grace 
Gabriel Chan  0 
19 Jul 2009 10:00  The time of Your Visitation 
RT Kendall  120 
12 Jul 2009 18:00  Revival Night Service 
Roberts Liardon  14 
12 Jul 2009 13:30  Wrestling with the Distractions of the Flesh 
Kristian Lythe  0 
12 Jul 2009 10:00  Training to take Territory 
Roberts Liardon  10 
5 Jul 2009 18:00  Jesus at Jairus House 
William Lee  2