Date Title Speaker Count  
28 Feb 2021 06:00  talk thumbnailReadjusting to God’s Will
(Acts 11:1-18
Tim Gibson  0 
24 Feb 2021 17:00  talk thumbnailRevelation, part 7 - The Things Which Are. The Seven Churches in Asia Part 4 – Laodicea
(Revelation 3:14-22
Tim Gibson  0 
21 Feb 2021 06:00  talk thumbnailGood News of Peace for Everyone
(Acts 10:34-48
Tim Gibson  0 
17 Feb 2021 17:00  talk thumbnailRevelation, part 6 - The Things Which Are. The Seven Churches in Asia Part 3 – Sardis & Philadelphia
(Revelation 3:1-13
Tim Gibson  1 
14 Feb 2021 06:00  talk thumbnailNo Favorites With God
(Acts 10:1-35
Tim Gibson  0 
10 Feb 2021 17:00  talk thumbnailRevelation, part 5 - The Things Which Are. The Seven Churches in Asia Part 2 – Pergamum & Thyatira
(Revelation 2:12-29
Tim Gibson  1 
7 Feb 2021 06:00  talk thumbnailGood News for a World of Hopelessness
(Acts 9:32-43
Tim Gibson  0 
3 Feb 2021 17:00  talk thumbnailRevelation, part 4 - The Things Which Are. The Seven Churches in Asia Part 1 – Ephesus & Smyrna
(Revelation 2:1-3:22
Tim Gibson  1 
31 Jan 2021 06:00  talk thumbnailSaved to Serve
(Acts 9:20-31
Tim Gibson  0 
27 Jan 2021 17:00  talk thumbnailRevelation, part 3 - Christ Amid His Church
(Revelation 1:9-20
Tim Gibson  0 
24 Jan 2021 06:00  talk thumbnailThe Cost of Discipleship: Cross Before Crown
(Mark 8:34-38
Laszlo Onody  8 
20 Jan 2021 17:00  talk thumbnailRevelation, part 2 - The Apocalypses of Jesus Christ
(Revelation 1:1-8
Tim Gibson  1 
17 Jan 2021 06:00  talk thumbnailThe Conversion of an Unlikely Sinner
(Acts 9:1-22
Tim Gibson  0 
10 Jan 2021 06:00  talk thumbnailHow God Evangelizes the World
(Acts 8:26-40
Tim Gibson  0 
3 Jan 2021 06:00  talk thumbnailThe Great Revival of Samaria
(Acts 8:1-25
Tim Gibson  1 
27 Dec 2020 06:00  talk thumbnailHope for Anxious Hearts
(Philippians 4:6-7
Mike Notary  0 
24 Dec 2020 20:00  talk thumbnailThe Christmas Promise part 3 - The Promise Found
(Matthew 2:1-12
Tim Gibson  0 
20 Dec 2020 06:00  talk thumbnailThe Christmas Promise part 2 - The Promise Fulfilled
(Luke 2:1-20
Tim Gibson  0 
13 Dec 2020 06:00  talk thumbnailThe Christmas Promise part 1 - The Promise Foretold 
Tim Gibson  1 
6 Dec 2020 06:00  talk thumbnailThe Defense of the Faith
(Acts 7:1-53
Tim Gibson  2