Date Title Speaker Count  
20 Sep 2020 12:00  thumbnail for The Kingdom of God (Matthew 13)The Kingdom of God (Matthew 13):
The Kingdom and the Word (PM)
(Matthew 13:1-23
Rob Perkins  31 
20 Sep 2020 12:00  thumbnail for What Would Jesus Say To... (John's Gospel)What Would Jesus Say To... (John's Gospel):
What would Jesus say to the religious?
(John 3:1-21
Andy Fenton  12 
13 Sep 2020 18:00  What would Jesus say to the partygoer?
(John 2:1-11
Rich Powell  5 
13 Sep 2020 18:00  Worthy… to open the scroll (PM)
(Revelation 6:1-7:17
Greg Pye  3 
13 Sep 2020 12:00  thumbnail for Worthy! (Revelation 4-7)Worthy! (Revelation 4-7):
Worthy... to open the scroll (PM)
(Revelation 6:1-7:17
Greg Pye  7 
13 Sep 2020 12:00  thumbnail for What Would Jesus Say To... (John's Gospel)What Would Jesus Say To... (John's Gospel):
What would Jesus say to the partygoer?
(John 2:1-11
Rich Powell  11 
6 Sep 2020 18:00  Worthy… to be worshipped (PM) **start missed, low stream quality**
(Revelation 4:1-5:14
Greg Pye  0 
6 Sep 2020 18:00  What would Jesus say to the sceptic?
(John 1:43-51
Mark Harris  1 
6 Sep 2020 12:00  thumbnail for What Would Jesus Say To... (John's Gospel)What Would Jesus Say To... (John's Gospel):
What would Jesus say to the sceptic?
(John 1:43-51
Mark Harris  7 
6 Sep 2020 12:00  thumbnail for Worthy! (Revelation 4-7)Worthy! (Revelation 4-7):
Worthy... to be worshipped (PM) **start missed, low stream quality**
(Revelation 4:1-5:14
Greg Pye  3 
30 Aug 2020 18:00  What’s your picture of Jesus?
(Revelation 6:1-7:3
Greg Pye  0 
30 Aug 2020 18:00  The Nature of Authentic Gospel Ministry (PM)
(2 Corinthians 12:11-13:14
Andy Fenton  1 
30 Aug 2020 12:00  thumbnail for Weakness is the Way (2 Corinthians)Weakness is the Way (2 Corinthians):
The Nature of Authentic Gospel Ministry (PM)
(2 Corinthians 12:11-13:14
Andy Fenton  7 
30 Aug 2020 12:00  thumbnail for One Off TalksOne Off Talks:
What's your picture of Jesus?
(Revelation 6:1-7:3
Greg Pye  10 
23 Aug 2020 18:00  The Weakness of Authentic Gospel Ministry (PM)
(2 Corinthians 11:21-12:10
Andy Fenton  0 
23 Aug 2020 18:00  God’s good goal
(Genesis 49:29-50:26
Rob Perkins  0 
23 Aug 2020 12:00  thumbnail for God at Work in the MessGod at Work in the Mess:
God's good goal
(Genesis 49:29-50:26
Rob Perkins  11 
23 Aug 2020 12:00  thumbnail for Weakness is the Way (2 Corinthians)Weakness is the Way (2 Corinthians):
The Weakness of Authentic Gospel Ministry (PM)
(2 Corinthians 11:21-12:10
Andy Fenton  3 
16 Aug 2020 18:00  The Power of Authentic Gospel Ministry (PM)
(2 Corinthians 11:1-21
Andy Fenton  1 
16 Aug 2020 18:00  Surprising Blessing
(Genesis 48-49
Rob Perkins  2