Date Title Speaker  
18 Mar 2018 16:00  1 Kings:
thumbnail for 1 KingsThe Wisdom of the King
(1 Kings 3:1-4:34) 
Andrew Sach 
11 Mar 2018 16:00  1 Kings:
thumbnail for 1 KingsThe King will Bring Justice
(1 Kings 2) 
Andrew Sach 
4 Mar 2018 16:00  1 Kings:
thumbnail for 1 KingsGod's unstoppable kingdom
(1 Kings 1:1-2:12) 
Andrew Sach 
25 Feb 2018 16:00  Whose idea was a king anyway?
(Judges 8:22-23, 9:1-21) 
Andrew Sach 
18 Feb 2018 16:00  The Obedience that Comes from Faith:
thumbnail for The Obedience that Comes from FaithWake up!
(Romans 13:11-14) 
Andrew Latimer