Date Title Speaker  
7 Apr 2019 16:00  God's Superheroes:
thumbnail for God's Superheroes The spiritual optician
(2 Kings 6:1-23) 
Andrew Sach 
31 Mar 2019 16:00  God's Superheroes:
thumbnail for God's Superheroes Can human traffickers be saved?
(2 Kings 5) 
Andrew Sach 
24 Mar 2019 16:00  God's Superheroes:
thumbnail for God's Superheroes Seven thousand who ain't bowed the knee
(2 Kings 4) 
Andrew Sach 
17 Mar 2019 16:00  God's Superheroes:
thumbnail for God's Superheroes The Bible in the British Museum
(2 Kings 3) 
Andrew Sach 
10 Mar 2019 16:00  God's Superheroes:
thumbnail for God's Superheroes Swing low, sweet chariot
(2 Kings 2) 
Andrew Sach