Date Title Speaker  
11 Sep 2022 10:30  A Saviour, who is Christ the Lord:
thumbnail for A Saviour, who is Christ the LordWe Must Repent
(Luke 3:1-20) 
Andrew Latimer 
31 Aug 2022 20:30  18th Century Christians:
thumbnail for 18th Century ChristiansSelina Countess of Huntingdon - Summer Fellowship 
Nathan Killen 
28 Aug 2022 10:30  The Lion Roars:
thumbnail for The Lion RoarsA happy ending
(Amos 9:11-15) 
Andrew Sach 
21 Aug 2022 10:30  The Lion Roars:
thumbnail for The Lion RoarsDo you believe in judgement day?
(Amos 9:1-10) 
Andrew Sach 
14 Aug 2022 10:30  The Lion Roars:
thumbnail for The Lion RoarsHow will God respond when people tell him to shut up?
(Amos 8:4-14) 
Andrew Sach