Date Title Speaker  
15 Nov 2015 16:00  The Down-to-Earth God:
thumbnail for The Down-to-Earth GodThe Thirst Quencher
(John 4:1-26) 
Andrew Sach 
8 Nov 2015 16:00  The Down-to-Earth God:
thumbnail for The Down-to-Earth GodThe One from above
(John 3:22-36) 
Andrew Sach 
1 Nov 2015 16:00  The Down-to-Earth God:
thumbnail for The Down-to-Earth GodThe Life-Giver
(John 2:23-3:21) 
Andrew Latimer 
18 Oct 2015 16:00  The Down-to-Earth God:
thumbnail for The Down-to-Earth GodNo-one has the right to tell me what to do!
(John 2:12-22) 
Andrew Latimer 
11 Oct 2015 16:00  The Down-to-Earth God:
thumbnail for The Down-to-Earth GodThe True Bridegroom
(John 2:1-11) 
Andrew Sach