Date Title Speaker Count  
8 Jun 2014 18:51  The Kingdom in Crisis 5: The Wolf in the House
(2 Samuel 15:1-16
Mark Birri  7 
8 Jun 2014 10:30  Glory Revealed!
(John 2:1
Admin  2 
8 Jun 2014 10:00  The Wolf in the House
(2 Samuel 15:1
Admin  4 
1 Jun 2014 18:25  One Off Talks 2014 5: Get Involved!
(Psalm 149
Ben Goldenberg  7 
1 Jun 2014 10:30  Get Involved!
(Psalm 149
Admin  1 
1 Jun 2014 10:00  A Wolf in the House
(2 Samuel 14
Admin  1 
25 May 2014 10:30  Come and See!
(John 1:19
Admin  2 
18 May 2014 22:30  You are Here…
(John 1:1
Admin  0 
18 May 2014 18:38  The Kingdom in Crisis 4: A Wolf in the House
(2 Samuel 14
Zack Worsham  12 
18 May 2014 18:22  Light In Darkness 1: You are Here
(John 1:1
Charles Dobbie  7 
11 May 2014 18:31  The Kingdom in Crisis 3: Like Father Like Sons
(2 Samuel 13
Rich Hall  1 
11 May 2014 18:29  Giving Revisited 3: Giving - The Last Hurdle!
(Philippians 4:18-20
Charles Dobbie  1 
11 May 2014 10:30  Giving - The Last Hurdle!
(Philippians 4:18-20
Admin  0 
11 May 2014 10:00  Like Father Like Sons
(2 Samuel 13
Admin  0 
4 May 2014 18:20  Giving Revisited 2: Giving Benefits the Giver
(Philippians 4:14-17
Charles Dobbie  2 
27 Apr 2014 18:35  The Kingdom in Crisis 1: The Sinful King
(2 Samuel 11
Nathan Bowley  6 
27 Apr 2014 18:34  Giving Revisited 1: Giving's Foundation
(Philippians 4:10
Charles Dobbie  1 
20 Apr 2014 15:25  Easter 2014 2: Unbelief
(John 20:19-31
Charles Dobbie  1 
18 Apr 2014 15:24  Easter 2014 1: Good Friday Devotional Service 
Charles Dobbie  1 
13 Apr 2014 15:24  One Off Talks 2014 4: Understand True Glory
(Genesis 11:1-9
Ben Goldenberg  7