Date Title Speaker Count  
26 Aug 2012 12:00  5. True Islam!
(1 Peter 2:13-2:25
Rupert Shelley  38 
12 Aug 2012 12:00  3. The power of the word
(1 Peter 1:22-1:25
Martin Andrews  6 
5 Aug 2012 12:00  2. Great responsibilities
(1 Peter 1:13-1:21
Nick Drake  4 
29 Jul 2012 12:00  1. Special privilege
(1 Peter 1:1-1:12
Ed Coleridge  7 
22 Jul 2012 12:00  3. The sufficiency of scripture
(2 Timothy 3:15-3:17
Rupert Shelley  2 
22 Jul 2012 12:00  3. Without holiness no one will see God
(Hebrews 12:14
Robin Thomson  0 
15 Jul 2012 12:00  2. The authority of scripture
(2 Peter 3:2
Rupert Shelley  4 
15 Jul 2012 12:00  2. Without faith is impossible to please God
(Hebrews 11:6
Robin Thomson  1 
8 Jul 2012 12:00  1. The inspiration of scripture
(2 Peter 1:21
Rupert Shelley  0 
24 Jun 2012 12:00  Praise in the park - evening
(1 Corinthians 15:1-15:8
Robin Weekes  0 
24 Jun 2012 12:00  Praise in the park - morning
(John 10:11-10:18
Rupert Shelley  1 
17 Jun 2012 12:00  9. "Not any way but Jesus only"
(John 14:6
Andy Lines  4 
10 Jun 2012 12:00  Guest service - Roger Carswell 
Roger Carswell  3 
3 Jun 2012 12:00  8. Not all who call but those who do
(Matthew 7:21-7:23
Rupert Shelley  4 
20 May 2012 12:00  3. Searching for Jesus
(John 6:22-6:26
Rupert Shelley  1 
13 May 2012 12:00  2. Walking on the water
(John 6:16-6:21
Rupert Shelley  6 
6 May 2012 12:00  4. Praise the God of judgement
(Psalm 149
Christopher Ash  126 
6 May 2012 12:00  1. Feeding the 5,000
(John 6:1-6:15
Rupert Shelley  2 
29 Apr 2012 12:00  3. Praise the God of creation
(Psalm 148
Christopher Ash  123 
22 Apr 2012 12:00  2. Praise the God of the Church
(Psalm 147
Christopher Ash  124