Date Title Speaker Count  
21 May 2017  The Lost Son - 2017
(Luke 15:11-32
The Slade Church  1 
21 May 2017  Decision Time - The King's Speech
(Matthew 7:13-14
The Slade Church  5 
14 May 2017  Living Life God's Way - The King's Speech
(Matthew 7:7-12
The Slade Church  0 
13 May 2017  Applying Ephesians - Equip Men's Weekender 
The Slade Church  1 
13 May 2017  Ephesians 4-5 - Equip Men's Weekender 
The Slade Church  0 
13 May 2017  Ephesians 1-3 - Equip Men's Weekender 
The Slade Church  3 
7 May 2017  Judging others - The King's Speech
(Matthew 7:1-6
The Slade Church  3 
30 Apr 2017  Do Not Worry - The King's Speech
(Matthew 6:25-34
The Slade Church  2 
30 Apr 2017  Spiritual dedication or selfish ambition - Elisha 
The Slade Church  2 
23 Apr 2017  No peace for the wicked! - Elisha
(2 Kings 9
The Slade Church  2 
16 Apr 2017  Truth & Lies - 2017 
The Slade Church  0 
9 Apr 2017  He is in the boat - 2017
(Matthew 8
The Slade Church  4 
9 Apr 2017  We need Jesus - 2017
(Mark 14
The Slade Church  0 
26 Mar 2017  The Lord's Prayer - Pt2 - The King's Speech 
The Slade Church  0 
19 Mar 2017  Compassion - 2017
(Matthew 9
The Slade Church  6 
19 Mar 2017  The Lord's Prayer - pt1 - The King's Speech 
The Slade Church  1 
12 Mar 2017  Good News in Bad Times - Elisha 
The Slade Church  0 
12 Mar 2017  The do's and don'ts of praying - The King's Speech 
The Slade Church  2 
5 Mar 2017  Don't be afraid - Elisha
(2 Kings 6
The Slade Church  4 
5 Mar 2017  Beware religious performance now showing at a church near you! - The King's Speech
(Matthew 6
The Slade Church  15