Date Title Speaker Count  
7 Oct 2018 10:30  Marriage: The simple truth 
Joel Edwards  2 
30 Sep 2018 10:30  God's commitment to the sinner 
Mus Yusuf  1 
23 Sep 2018 10:30  Family Favorites = cheating and lying 
Joel Edwards  0 
16 Sep 2018 10:30  Déjà vu? Father and Son 
Joel Edwards  0 
9 Sep 2018 10:30  The Way to Blessing 
Joel Edwards  1 
2 Sep 2018 10:30  Marriage was GOD's Idea! was it a good idea? 
Joel Edwards  0 
26 Aug 2018 10:30  Gods King hits Trouble 
Mus Yusef  0 
12 Aug 2018 10:30  Listening to each other depends on listening to God 
Joel Edwards  1 
5 Aug 2018 10:30  Suffering Servant: Example or Sacrifice? 
Joel Edwards  1 
29 Jul 2018 10:30  Why does God bother with people!? 
Joel Edwards  0 
22 Jul 2018 10:30  The Christian LIfe fits into the Big Picture 
Joel Edwards  1 
15 Jul 2018 10:30  When the End Comes: Everybody is included 
Joel Edwards  0 
10 Jul 2018 10:30  The Last Days: Action Point - Preach the Gospel 
Mus Yusef  1 
1 Jul 2018 10:30  The Holy Spirit: Force? Feeling? or Person? 
Joel Edwards  1 
24 Jun 2018 10:30  Jesus in the OT concealed and in the NT revealed 
Joel Edwards  0 
17 Jun 2018 10:30  How good do we have to be to be a Christian? Wrong! 
Joel Edwards  0 
10 Jun 2018 10:30  Faith responds to God's promises 
Joel Edwards  1 
3 Jun 2018 10:30  What is God Like? Get to know him today 
Mus Yusef  1 
27 May 2018 10:30  Old Testament teaching for New Testament times 
Joel Edwards  1 
20 May 2018 10:30  If I ruled the world I would???? 
Joel Edwards  0