Sermons at St Andrew the Great
Date | Title | Speaker | Count | |
9 May 1993 12:00 | The God who answers (Psalm 4) |
David Peterson | 8 | |
2 May 1993 12:00 | Shaken but shielded (Psalm 3) |
Ian Garrett | 4 | |
2 May 1993 12:00 | Get up and walk (John 5:1-18) |
Giles Walter | 5 | |
25 Apr 1993 12:00 | Your son will live (John 4:43-54) |
Giles Walter | 4 | |
25 Apr 1993 12:00 | The Lord's anointed (Psalm 2) |
Mark Ashton | 16 | |
18 Apr 1993 12:00 | Roots for life (Psalm 1) |
Mike McNamara | 8 | |
18 Apr 1993 12:00 | Water into wine (John 2:1-11) |
Philip McNair | 3 | |
11 Apr 1993 12:00 | Raised with Christ (Colossians 3:1-11) |
Robin Porter-Goff | 2 | |
4 Apr 1993 12:00 | Rebellion in the ranks (Exodus 32-34) |
Jonathan Holmes | 1 | |
28 Mar 1993 12:00 | Faith at work (Galatians 6:1-18) |
Peter Robinson | 2 | |
28 Mar 1993 12:00 | God in the midst (Exodus 25-40) |
Chris Hayward | 2 | |
21 Mar 1993 12:00 | Free to do what I want? (Galatians 5:13-26) |
Giles Walter | 4 | |
21 Mar 1993 12:00 | The smaller print (Exodus 21:1-24:18) |
Mark Ashton | 30 | |
14 Mar 1993 12:00 | Meeting with God (Exodus 19:1-20:26) |
Marcus Bockmuehl | 9 | |
14 Mar 1993 12:00 | Stay free (Galatians 5:1-12) |
Mark Ashton | 12 | |
7 Mar 1993 12:00 | Born free (Galatians 4:21-31) |
Philip McNair | 0 | |
7 Mar 1993 12:00 | Exhaustion in leadership (Exodus 17:8-18:27) |
Richard James | 3 | |
28 Feb 1993 12:00 | Grumbling in the desert (Exodus 15:22-17:7) |
Mark Ashton | 10 | |
28 Feb 1993 12:00 | The pain of the pastor (Galatians 4:12-20) |
Ian Garrett | 4 | |
21 Feb 1993 12:00 | A promise is a promise (Galatians 3:15-29) |
Mark Ashton | 14 |