Date Title Speaker Count  
9 Sep 2018 22:51  “Fulfilled -More than Words Matt 8:1-17 ” Sept 09,2018
(Matthew 8:1-17
Four Points Church  2 
4 Sep 2018 15:28  Fulfilled -Fakes and Phonies Matt 7:15-29 " Sept 02,2018
(Matthew 7:15-29
Four Points Church  4 
27 Aug 2018 02:39  “Fulfilled - Ask, Seek, Knock, Aug, 26, 2018
(Matthew 7: 7-14
Four Points Church  4 
22 Aug 2018 15:36  Fulfilled - Judge Not, " Aug, 19, 2018
(Matthew 7:1-6
Four Points Church  2 
13 Aug 2018 01:08  “Fulfilled - Do Not Be Anxious, Aug. 12, 2018
(Matthew 6: 25-34
Four Points Church  3 
5 Aug 2018 19:15  “Fulfilled - Fasting to be Seen, Aug. 5, 2018
(Matthew 6:16-24
Four Points Church  3 
29 Jul 2018 18:18  “Fulfilled- Unrighteous Holy Things, July 29, 2018
(Matthew 6: 5-15
Four Points Church  1 
22 Jul 2018 19:37  “Fulfilled - A Change Of Subject, July 22, 2018
(Matthew 6: 1-4
Four Points Church  2 
15 Jul 2018 21:32  “Grounded in the Gospel - Gospel Do-Gooders, July 15, 2018
(Titus 3: 1-15
Four Points Church  1 
9 Jul 2018 13:08  “Grounded in the Gospel- Gospel Living Because of Gospel Thinking, July 08, 2018
(Titus 2:1-15
Four Points Church  2 
1 Jul 2018 18:54  “Grounded in the Gospel- Elders and Their Task on Crete, July 01, 2018
(Titus 1: 5-16
Four Points Church  2 
1 Jul 2018 18:54  Grounded in the Gospel- Elders and Their Task on Crete, Titus 1: 5-16" July 01, 2018
(Titus 1:5-16
Four Points Church  1 
25 Jun 2018 00:42  “Grounded in the Gospel- Truth Packed Tight, June 24, 2018
(Titus 1:1-5
Four Points Church  1 
17 Jun 2018 20:03  “Fulfilled - Loving and Hating June 17, 2018
(Matthew 5: 43- 48
Four Points Church  4 
10 Jun 2018 19:45  “Fulfilled - Eye for an Eye June 10, 2018
(Matthew 5: 38-42
Four Points Church  4 
3 Jun 2018 20:16  “Fulfilled -Jesus and Truth Matt 5:33-37 ” June 03, 2018
(Matthew 5:33-37
Four Points Church  4 
27 May 2018 20:41  “Fulfilled -Divorce adn the Gospel Matt 5:31-32,19:1-12 ” May 27,,2018
(Matthew 5:31-32
Four Points Church  3 
21 May 2018 18:29  “Fulfilled -Heart Adultery Matt 5:27-30 ” May 20,,2018
(Matthew 5:27-30
Four Points Church  5 
14 May 2018 12:30  “Fulfilled -The Spirit of the law of God Matt 5:21-26 ” May 13,,2018
(Matthew 5:21-26
Four Points Church  3 
7 May 2018 02:40  “Fulfilled -Jesus Fulfilled the Old Testament Matt 5:17-20 ” May 06,,2018
(Matthew 5:17-20
Four Points Church  4