Date Title Speaker Count  
28 Jun 2015 12:00  Here | God in His Temple - Keep your distance 
Simeon Dry  8 
28 Jun 2015 12:00  Here | God in His Temple - Keep your distance? 
Simeon Dry  1 
21 Jun 2015 12:00  Here | God in His Temple - God with us 
John Wilthew  7 
21 Jun 2015 12:00  Here | God in His Temple - God with us 
John Wilthew  0 
14 Jun 2015 12:00  Kidnapped 
Dilip Joseph  7 
14 Jun 2015 12:00  Kidnapped 
Dilip Joseph  0 
7 Jun 2015 12:00  Deeper roots of prayer: How? 
Daniel Goodman  6 
31 May 2015 12:00  Deeper roots of prayer: What? 
Simeon Dry  5 
24 May 2015 12:00  Deeper Roots of Prayer: Why? 
Phil Caroe  9 
17 May 2015 12:00  Church By God's Design - Appointing Simeon as elder 
Daniel Goodman  8 
10 May 2015 12:00  Making time to love 
Ali Jones  7 
3 May 2015 12:00  Loving the unlovely 
Mike Frisby  7 
26 Apr 2015 12:00  What is love? 
Mike Frisby  6 
19 Apr 2015 12:00  Love your neighbour 
Simeon Dry  7 
12 Apr 2015 12:00  Spiritual Gifts 
Daniel Goodman Angela Kemm  11 
22 Mar 2015 12:00  Exodus: If you don't go with us 
Jon Ogborn  0 
15 Mar 2015 12:00  Exodus: Make us some gods 
Dan Gould  7 
8 Mar 2015 12:00  The Bible 
Daniel Goodman  0 
1 Mar 2015 12:00  Exodus: Complaints against God 
Daniel Goodman  0 
22 Feb 2015 12:00  Exodus: Fear 
Mike Frisby  0