Sermons at Westminster Chapel
Date | Title | Speaker | Count | |
25 Dec 2015 11:00 | The Gift Nobody Wants? (Isaiah 9:1-7) |
Greg Haslam | 26 | |
20 Dec 2015 11:00 | The Clash of Two Kings - , 2:1-12 (Matthew 1:18-25) |
Greg Haslam | 11 | |
13 Dec 2015 17:30 | Carols by Candlelight (Isaiah 9:1-7) |
Greg Haslam | 12 | |
13 Dec 2015 11:00 | Obeying God Rather than Men - Acts 5:17-42 |
Greg Haslam | 25 | |
6 Dec 2015 17:30 | God's presence in his church - ; 14:1-20 (John 13:33) |
Terry Virgo | 5 | |
6 Dec 2015 11:00 | Jonah the backslidden prophet (Jonah 1:1-17) |
Terry Virgo | 1 | |
29 Nov 2015 17:30 | Prophecy is for building up the church (1 Corinthians 14:1-5) |
Dan Skead | 5 | |
29 Nov 2015 11:00 | Shadow Ministry, and a Miracle Jail Break! (Acts 5:12-32) |
Greg Haslam | 9 | |
22 Nov 2015 17:30 | What did Jesus say about... PEACE? (John 20:19-30) |
Howard Satterthwaite | 0 | |
22 Nov 2015 11:00 | Religious Hypocrisy, Spiritual Reality - ; Malachi 3:6-12 (Acts 4:32-5:11) |
Greg Haslam | 18 | |
15 Nov 2015 17:30 | What did Jesus say about... SUFFERING? (John 16:32-33) |
Dan Skead | 1 | |
8 Nov 2015 17:30 | What did Jesus say about... JOY? (John 15:1-17) |
Howard Satterthwaite | 0 | |
8 Nov 2015 11:00 | Worthy (Philippians 2:12-18) |
Howard Satterthwaite | 0 | |
2 Nov 2015 11:00 | Epilogue - Recovering your Cutting Edge - Miscellaneous |
Greg Haslam | 18 | |
1 Nov 2015 17:30 | What did Jesus say about... MONEY? (Matthew 6:19-34) |
Joshua Harvey | 4 | |
1 Nov 2015 11:00 | Powerful Prayer (Acts 4:23-31) |
Howard Satterthwaite | 0 | |
25 Oct 2015 17:30 | What did Jesus say about... POWER? (Mark 10:25-45) |
Howard Satterthwaite | 2 | |
25 Oct 2015 11:00 | True and False Religion (Acts 4:1-22) |
Greg Haslam | 20 | |
19 Oct 2015 10:00 | Narrative Preaching - Miscellaneous |
Jeff Lucas | 13 | |
18 Oct 2015 10:00 | The Lame Excuse for Preaching the Gospel! (Acts 3:1-26) |
Greg Haslam | 13 |