Sermons at Emmanuel Chippenham
Date | Title | Speaker | Count | |
5 Jul 2015 10:30 | The rich young man and the workers in the vineyard (Matthew 19:16-20:16) | | 2 | |
5 Jul 2015 10:30 | What Hope in a Rock? | | 1 | |
28 Jun 2015 10:30 | Paul in Pisidian Antioch (Acts 13:13-31) | | 2 | |
28 Jun 2015 10:30 | 1 Thessalonians 1 (1 Thessalonians 1) | | 1 | |
21 Jun 2015 10:30 | Jonah flees from the Lord (Jonah 1:1-17) | | 2 | |
21 Jun 2015 10:30 | Barnabas and Saul sent to Cyprus (Acts 13:1-12) | | 3 | |
14 Jun 2015 10:30 | Peter Rescued from Prison (Acts 12:1-25) | | 10 | |
12 Apr 2015 18:30 | True Mercy and True Reconciliation (2 Samuel 14:1-33) |
Spencer Shaw | 11 | |
12 Apr 2015 10:30 | Blessed (Psalms 1:1-6) |
Reuben Mann | 6 | |
5 Apr 2015 18:30 | Can Christians really rise again? (1 Corinthians 15:35-58) |
Reuben Mann | 5 | |
5 Apr 2015 10:30 | Evidence that demands our worship (Luke 23:50-24:35) |
Spencer Shaw | 6 | |
29 Mar 2015 18:30 | Living Water, True Worship (John 4:5-26) |
Jonathan West | 8 | |
29 Mar 2015 10:30 | Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch (Acts 8:26-40) |
Spencer Shaw | 6 | |
22 Mar 2015 18:30 | Commissioned to make disciples (Matthew 28:16-20) |
Isaac Shaw | 6 | |
22 Mar 2015 10:30 | True Greatness (Acts 8:9-25) |
Spencer Shaw | 5 | |
15 Mar 2015 18:30 | Two Sons - What do they learn from history? (2 Samuel 13:1-39) |
Reuben Mann | 2 | |
15 Mar 2015 10:30 | The Church Persecuted and Scattered (Acts 8:1-8) |
Spencer Shaw | 3 | |
8 Mar 2015 18:30 | 2 Samuel 12 (2 Samuel 12:1-31) |
Reuben Mann | 9 | |
8 Mar 2015 10:30 | Acts 7 (Acts 7:1-60) |
Spencer Shaw | 5 | |
1 Mar 2015 10:30 | Acts 6:8-15 (Acts 6:8-15) |
Spencer Shaw | 5 |