Date Title Speaker Count  
2 Aug 2020  talk thumbnailPraying for the weary
(James 5:7-20
Richard Coekin  21 
26 Jul 2020  talk thumbnailJesus Predicts Opposition
(John 15:18–25
Richard Coekin  12 
26 Jul 2020  talk thumbnailWisdom in Ambition
(James 4:13-5:6
Santhosh Thomas  6 
19 Jul 2020  talk thumbnailWisdom in Humility
(James 4:1-12
Tom Heasman  21 
19 Jul 2020  talk thumbnailJesus is the Vine
(John 15:1-17
Clayton Fopp  24 
12 Jul 2020  Wisdom in Speaking
(James 3:1-18
Santhosh Thomas  12 
12 Jul 2020  Jesus grants peace
(John 14:22-31
Tom Heasman  9 
5 Jul 2020  Where is history headed?
(Revelation 21:3-5
Tom Heasman  4 
5 Jul 2020  Another advocate – the Spirit of Truth
(John 14:15-21
Richard Coekin  18 
28 Jun 2020  Show us the Father
(John 14:8-14
Santhosh Thomas  4 
28 Jun 2020  Wisdom in Action
(James 2:14-26
Clayton Fopp  6 
21 Jun 2020  Light of the World
(Matthew 5:13-16
Marie Betts  6 
14 Jun 2020  Don’t show favouritism! 
Santhosh Thomas  7 
14 Jun 2020  Do not let your hearts be troubled!
(John 14:1-7
Richard Coekin  36 
7 Jun 2020  Do What It Says!
(James 1:19-27
Richard Coekin  16 
7 Jun 2020  How can the Church be a Force for Good in the World?
(John 13:31-38
Santhosh Thomas  11 
31 May 2020  The Ultimate Betrayal
(John 13:18-30
Tom Heasman  5 
(James 1:13-18
Clayton Fopp  12 
24 May 2020  Wisdom In Trials
(James 1:1-12
Clayton Fopp  9 
24 May 2020  Jesus served by washing: follow his example!
(John 13:1-17
Richard Coekin  15