Date Title Speaker Count  
22 Jul 2007 17:30  In Christ Alone:
Alive with Christ
(1 Corinthians 15:12-28
Julian Bidgood  1 
22 Jul 2007 09:00  Strangers in the world:
Christian suffering
(1 Peter 4:12-19
Vaughan Roberts  34 
15 Jul 2007 17:30  In Christ Alone:
Dying with Christ
(Romans 6:1-14
Julian Bidgood  12 
15 Jul 2007 09:00  Strangers in the world:
Christian perspective
(1 Peter 4:1-11
Pete Wilkinson  41 
8 Jul 2007 17:30  In Christ Alone:
Blessed in Christ
(Ephesians 1:3-14
Julian Bidgood  7 
8 Jul 2007 09:00  Strangers in the world:
Christian witness
(1 Peter 3:8-22
Pete Wilkinson  37 
1 Jul 2007 09:00  Strangers in the world:
Christian marriage
(1 Peter 3:1-7
Pete Wilkinson  31 
24 Jun 2007 17:30  Pause for Thought:
The revelation of God
(Psalm 19
Sam Allberry  82 
17 Jun 2007 10:30  The Lord Reigns:
From here to eternity
(Daniel 11-12
Vaughan Roberts  27 
10 Jun 2007 09:00  The Lord Reigns:
Principalities and powers
(Daniel 10
Vaughan Roberts  34 
3 Jun 2007 17:30  Doubt and Faith in Jesus:
True faith
(Luke 7:1-10 & 36-50
Julian Bidgood  4 
3 Jun 2007 10:30  The Lord Reigns:
A prayer and a prophecy
(Daniel 9
Vaughan Roberts  43 
27 May 2007 17:30  Doubt and Faith in Jesus:
Quite contrary
(Luke 7:31-35
Julian Bidgood  7 
27 May 2007 10:30  The Lord Reigns:
The ram and the goat
(Daniel 8
Vaughan Roberts  42 
20 May 2007 17:30  Doubt and Faith in Jesus:
The greatest Prophet
(Luke 7:24-30
Julian Bidgood  24 
20 May 2007 09:00  The Lord Reigns:
The coming of the Son of Man
(Daniel 7
Vaughan Roberts  78 
13 May 2007 17:30  Doubt and Faith in Jesus:
The doubting Prophet
(Luke 7:18-23
Julian Bidgood  12 
13 May 2007 10:30  Jesus for Beginners:
Jesus: the binder of Satan
(Mark 3:20-35
Sam Allberry  46 
13 May 2007 09:00  Strangers in the world:
A strange submission
(1 Peter 2:11-25
Pete Wilkinson  9 
6 May 2007 17:30  Doubt and Faith in Jesus:
Dead man walking
(Luke 7:11-17
Julian Bidgood  4