Date Title Speaker Count  
17 May 2015 15:30  Jesus Came to Give Life:
Jesus given for the world
(John 3:16
Matt Pope  2 
17 May 2015 10:45  Under the Wings of God:
A bitter pill to swallow
(Ruth 1
Vaughan Roberts  74 
10 May 2015 17:30  God and Government:
What should the government do?
(Romans 13:1-7
Vaughan Roberts  49 
10 May 2015 15:30  Jesus Came to Give Life:
Jesus tells us how to enter the kingdom
(John 3:1-15
Andrew Turnbull  3 
10 May 2015 10:45  Do Nothing In Vain:
Don't question in vain
(1 Corinthians 15:20-34
James Fletcher  4 
10 May 2015 08:45  Jesus Our Joy:
Gospel service
(Philippians 2:12-30
Pete Wilkinson  26 
3 May 2015 17:30  God and Government:
Who should we vote for?
(Proverbs 8:12-31
Vaughan Roberts  40 
3 May 2015 15:30  Jesus Came to Give Life:
Jesus a revolutionary
(John 2:13-25
Matt Pope  22 
3 May 2015 08:45  Jesus Our Joy:
Gospel mindset
(Philippians 2:1-11
Pete Wilkinson  23 
26 Apr 2015 17:30  God and Government:
Why should we vote?
(Genesis 1:26-31
Vaughan Roberts  25 
26 Apr 2015 15:30  Jesus Came to Give Life:
Jesus gets the party started
(John 2:1-12
Matt Pope  17 
26 Apr 2015 10:45  Do Nothing In Vain:
Don't die in vain
(1 Corinthians 15:20-34
James Fletcher  5 
26 Apr 2015 08:45  Jesus Our Joy:
Gospel priorities
(Philippians 1:12-30
Pete Wilkinson  24 
19 Apr 2015 17:30  Remember O Lord:
Watching for renewal
(Lamentations 4-5
Al Gibbs  14 
19 Apr 2015 15:30  Jesus Came to Give Life:
Jesus God's chosen one
(John 1:19-51
Matt Pope  8 
19 Apr 2015 10:45  Do Nothing In Vain:
Don't believe in vain
(1 Corinthians 15:1-19
James Fletcher  2 
19 Apr 2015 08:45  Jesus Our Joy:
Gospel affection
(Philippians 1:1-11
Pete Wilkinson  38 
12 Apr 2015 17:30  Remember, O Lord:
Waiting for the Lord
(Lamentations 3
Al Gibbs  23 
12 Apr 2015 08:45  :
The forsaken king
(Psalm 22
Philip Percival  7 
5 Apr 2015 17:30  Easter Sunday:
A happy ending
(Mark 16:1-8
Richard Brash  14