Date Title Speaker Count  
26 Jun 2016 08:45  Jesus Rediscovered:
The clean and the unclean
(Mark 7:1-30
Pete Wilkinson  20 
19 Jun 2016 17:30  Life in the Spirit:
Called according to God's purpose
(Romans 8:28-30
Richard Brash  13 
19 Jun 2016 15:30  Matthew 13: I Speak to Them in Parables:
What are you living for?
(Matthew 13:44-46
Jonathan Crozier  21 
19 Jun 2016 10:45  I Saw Heaven Open:
God's new creation II
(Revelation 22
Vaughan Roberts  78 
12 Jun 2016 17:30  Life in the Spirit:
The Spirit helps us in our weakness
(Romans 8:18-27
James Fletcher  14 
12 Jun 2016 15:30  I Speak to Them in Parables:
Doesn't look like God's kingdom is coming
(Matthew 13:31-35
Matt Pope  21 
12 Jun 2016 10:45  I Saw Heaven Open:
God's new creation I
(Revelation 21
Vaughan Roberts  114 
5 Jun 2016 17:30  Life in the Spirit:
Led by the Spirit
(Romans 8:9-17
Pete Wilkinson  6 
5 Jun 2016 10:45  I Saw Heaven Open:
The victorious Christ
(Revelation 19:11 - 20:15
Vaughan Roberts  126 
29 May 2016 15:30  I Speak to Them in Parables:
Why don't people become Christians?
(Matthew 13:1-23
Daniel Timms  50 
29 May 2016 15:30  Life in the Spirit:
Free from the law of sin and death
(Romans 8:1-8
Al Gibbs  9 
29 May 2016 10:45  Sunday Seminar:
Mark Meynall  47 
29 May 2016 10:45  I Saw Heaven Open:
The fall of Babylon
(Revelation 17:1-19:10
Vaughan Roberts  88 
22 May 2016 13:30  :
Together at the Town Hall
(Psalm 147
Vaughan Roberts  21 
15 May 2016 17:30  God's Building Project:
Our part III: Serving
(Ephesians 4:1-16
Pete Wilkinson  5 
15 May 2016 12:00  Lunchtime Talks:
Jonathan Berry  14 
15 May 2016 10:45  God's Building Project:
Our part III: Serving
(Philippians 2:1-11
James Fletcher  10 
15 May 2016 08:45  God's Building Project:
Our part III: Serving
(Philippians 2:1-11
Matt Pope  3 
10 May 2016 08:45  :
Is there a meaning in this text? 
Johanna Harris  5 
8 May 2016 17:30  God's Building Project:
Our part II: Praying
(Matthew 6:5-13
Vaughan Roberts  25