Date Title Speaker Count  
5 Dec 2004 17:30  Thank God It's Monday:
Christ's work and ours: new creation work 
Vaughan Roberts  24 
5 Dec 2004 10:30  Living with the end in sight:
The faithfulness of God
(2 Thessalonians 3:1-5
Sam Allberry  44 
28 Nov 2004 18:30  God's Day:
The people of the Lord
(Zephaniah 3:9-20
Al Horn  17 
28 Nov 2004 17:30  Thank God It's Monday:
Christ's work and ours: creation work
(Colossians 3:12-4:1
Vaughan Roberts  34 
28 Nov 2004 10:30  Living with the end in sight:
The stability of the church
(2 Thessalonians 2:13-17
Sam Allberry  32 
28 Nov 2004 09:00  Power in Weakness:
Power in weakness
(2 Corinthians 4:7-12
Pete Wilkinson  27 
21 Nov 2004 18:30  God's Day:
The enemies of the Lord
(Zephaniah 2:4-3:8
Al Horn  7 
21 Nov 2004 17:30  Thank God It's Monday:
By the sweat of your brow
(Genesis 3:1-19
Vaughan Roberts  31 
21 Nov 2004 10:30  Living with the end in sight:
The man of lawlessness
(2 Thessalonians 2:1-12
Sam Allberry  45 
21 Nov 2004 09:00  Power in Weakness:
It's an effective ministry
(2 Corinthians 4:1-6
Pete Wilkinson  22 
14 Nov 2004 18:30  God's Day:
The day of the Lord
(Zephaniah 1:1-2:3
Al Horn  10 
14 Nov 2004 17:30  Thank God It's Monday:
The maker's instructions
(Genesis 1:26-31
Vaughan Roberts  38 
14 Nov 2004 10:30  Living with the end in sight:
The judgement of God
(2 Thessalonians 1:1-12
Sam Allberry  61 
14 Nov 2004 09:00  Power in Weakness:
It's a glorious ministry
(2 Corinthians 3:7-18
Pete Wilkinson  11 
31 Oct 2004 17:30  The Final Judge:
The divine deliverance
(1 Samuel 7:2-17
Julian Bidgood  16 
31 Oct 2004 09:00  Choose Life!:
Living water
(John 7:25-52
Vaughan Roberts  49 
24 Oct 2004 17:30  The Final Judge:
The treacherous treasure
(1 Samuel 4:1-7:1
Julian Bidgood  25 
24 Oct 2004 09:00  Choose Life!:
Unbelief exposed
(John 7:1-24
Vaughan Roberts  57 
17 Oct 2004 17:30  The Final Judge:
The perverse priests
(1 Samuel 2:11-4:1
Julian Bidgood  9 
17 Oct 2004 09:00  Choose Life!:
The bread of life
(John 6:41-67
Vaughan Roberts  39