Date Title Speaker Count  
27 May 2012 07:28  The Gospel: For You and Through You (Audio) 
Mitchell Moore  0 
27 May 2012 00:21  The Gospel: For You and Through You 
Mitchell Moore  0 
20 May 2012 22:34  The Gospel Changes Everything: Part 2 
Mitchell Moore  0 
20 May 2012 15:45  Sent Out by the Carpenter 
Sandy Willson  0 
20 May 2012 07:28  The Gospel Changes Everything: Part 2 (Audio) 
Mitchell Moore  0 
18 May 2012 19:54  Why Do Christians Suffer? 
Steve Rhea  0 
17 May 2012 19:04  Proclaiming the Kingdom of God 
Sandy Willson  0 
13 May 2012 16:35  Talitha Cumi 
Sandy Willson  1 
13 May 2012 07:27  The Gospel Changes Everything: Part 1 (Audio) 
Second Presbyterian Church PM  0 
13 May 2012 02:37  The Gospel Changes Everything: Part 1 
10 May 2012 17:48  The Storm and the Snake 
Sandy Willson  2 
6 May 2012 21:47  Our Gracious Savior 
Sandy Willson  0 
6 May 2012 07:26  Transformed by the Knowledge of God (Audio) 
Sandy Willson  0 
6 May 2012 00:59  Transformed by the Knowledge of God 
Sandy Willson  0 
4 May 2012 12:39  A Biblical Response to the Needs of Immigrants 
Noel Castellanos  4 
3 May 2012 18:23  Before the Crown 
Sandy Willson  0 
29 Apr 2012 20:42  Peace, Be Still 
Rocky Anthony  2 
29 Apr 2012 15:13  Abundant In Grace 
Todd Erickson  0 
26 Apr 2012 18:13  Before the Cowardly 
Todd Erickson  0 
22 Apr 2012 20:47  God is Slow to Anger 
Todd Erickson  0