Date Title Speaker Count  
8 Apr 2014 15:34  The Walk: Lesson 22 - God's Grace in Continuity 
Mary Edwards  0 
6 Apr 2014 21:45  Facing Envy: Israel's Sons at Dothan 
Sandy Willson  10 
6 Apr 2014 20:17  The Spirit Teaches Us to Pray 
Todd Erickson  0 
6 Apr 2014 07:32  The Spirit Teaches Us to Pray (Audio) 
Todd Erickson  0 
3 Apr 2014 19:45  Faithful Reception of the Gospel 
Sandy Willson  6 
3 Apr 2014 15:04  A Mother's Heart - Ch 8 - Sex and Marriage 
Ragan Magness  1 
2 Apr 2014 14:54  Renew - Luke 22 
Kim Petzinger  0 
1 Apr 2014 14:47  The Walk - Lesson 21 - God's Grace in Compassion 
Mary Edwards  0 
30 Mar 2014 17:43  Facing Greed: Adam and Eve in the Garden 
Chuck Jacob  17 
30 Mar 2014 14:51  The Spirit Transforms Us 
Sandy Willson  3 
30 Mar 2014 07:30  The Spirit Transforms Us (Audio) 
Sandy Willson  1 
28 Mar 2014 16:20  Noble Plans: 2014 Foundation Banquet 
Chuck Jacob  14 
27 Mar 2014 15:32  A Mother's Heart - Ch 7 - Singleness and Marriage 
Kimberley Graham  0 
27 Mar 2014 14:03  The Message and The Messenger 
Sandy Willson  1 
26 Mar 2014 15:26  Renew - Luke 21 
Tina Walker  0 
25 Mar 2014 15:24  The Walk - Lesson 20 - God's Grace in Commendation 
Lisa Colcolough  0 
23 Mar 2014 20:06  Facing Pride: The Disciples at the Last Supper 
Sandy Willson  2 
23 Mar 2014 19:02  Making the Tough Choices 
Andrew Keasling  0 
23 Mar 2014 07:29  Making the Tough Choices (Audio) 
Andrew Keasling  0 
20 Mar 2014 20:40  What Happens When We Die? 
Sandy Willson  2