Date Title Speaker Count  
23 Feb 2017 15:26  John: Confidence Before God 
Todd Erickson  1 
22 Feb 2017 17:58  Renew - Lesson 18 - Mark 12:18-34 
Kim Petzinger  0 
21 Feb 2017 17:53  The Walk - Lesson 17 - The Pressing of the Holy Spirit 
Aileen Coleman  5 
19 Feb 2017 21:53  The Righteous Life: Active Love 
Barton Kimbro  0 
19 Feb 2017 21:53  The Righteous Life: Active Love (Audio) 
Barton Kimbro  0 
19 Feb 2017 18:21  We Always Thank God 
Todd Erickson  0 
16 Feb 2017 22:35  A Mother's Heart - Ch 6 - Encouraging a Thankful Spirit 
Molly Witherington  0 
15 Feb 2017 22:42  Renew - Lesson 17 Mark 12:1-17 
Kim Petzinger  0 
14 Feb 2017 22:45  The Walk - Lesson 16 Through the Prevailing of the Holy Spirit 
Lisa Colcolough  1 
12 Feb 2017 16:13  The Longest Mile 
Dan Burns  0 
12 Feb 2017 16:13  The Longest Mile (Audio) 
Dan Burns  0 
12 Feb 2017 15:37  It's All You Really Need 
Todd Erickson  0 
9 Feb 2017 18:10  A Mother's Heart - Ch 5 - Reflecting the Heart of God 
Jennifer Wilson  0 
8 Feb 2017 18:15  Renew - Lesson 16 - Mark 11:12-33 
Kim Jorgenson  0 
5 Feb 2017 15:38  Our Chief End 
Sandy Willson  15 
5 Feb 2017 15:35  The Righteous Life: Integrity 
Michael Davis  0 
5 Feb 2017 15:35  The Righteous Life: Integrity (Audio) 
Michael Davis  0 
2 Feb 2017 20:53  A Mother's Heart - Ch 4 - Ordering Your Home 
Scottie Cain  0 
2 Feb 2017 16:51  John: The Anointing 
Sandy Willson  3 
1 Feb 2017 20:56  Renew - Lesson 15 - Mark 11:1-11 
Second Presbyterian Church AM  0