Date Title Speaker Count  
11 Feb 2024 12:00  Psalms:
6.30pm Psalm 121
(Psalm 121
Stan Tomalin  2 
4 Feb 2024 12:00  Psalms of Ascent:
6.30pm Psalm 120
(Psalm 120
Stan Tomalin  3 
28 Jan 2024 12:00  Sermon on the Mount:
6.30pm The Wise and Foolish Builders
(Matthew 7:24-29
Stuart Poole  0 
21 Jan 2024 12:00  Sermon on the Mount:
6.30pm Watch out for false prophets
(Matthew 7:15-23
Phil Burrows  0 
14 Jan 2024 12:00  Sermon on the Mount:
6:30pm - Ask, seek, knock!
(Matthew 7:7-14
Neil Ashworth  0 
7 Jan 2024 12:00  6.30pm - Daniel Eduardo - The Message Brasil
(Matthew 7:1-6
Daniel Eduardo (The Message Brasil)  1 
25 Dec 2023 12:00  10am How excited are you about Christmas?
(Philippians 2:5-11
Stan Tomalin  0 
24 Dec 2023 12:00  Christingle - The Furthest Journey at Christmas
(Luke 2:1-7
Mark Tomlinson  0 
10 Dec 2023 12:00  6.30pm Focus Christmas Service
(John 1:1-14
Henry Taylor  0 
3 Dec 2023 12:00  6.30pm Make Advent Great Again
(Isaiah 40:1-5
Neil King  1 
26 Nov 2023 12:00  Sermon on the Mount:
6.30pm Do Not Worry
(Matthew 6:25-34
Neil Ashworth  0 
19 Nov 2023 12:00  6.30pm Persecuted Church Sunday
(1 Peter 1:3-9
Phil Burrows  1 
12 Nov 2023 12:00  Sermon on the Mount:
6.30pm Treasures in Heaven
(Matthew 6:19-24
Neil King  0 
5 Nov 2023 12:00  Sermon on the Mount:
6.30pm: Giving and Praying
(Matthew 6:1-18
Stuart Poole  0 
29 Oct 2023 12:00  Sermon on the Mount:
6.30pm Evil and Love
(Deuteronomy 19:15-21, Matthew 5:38-48
Neil Ashworth  3 
22 Oct 2023 12:00  Sermon on the Mount:
6.30pm Let Your Yes be Yes
(Matthew 5:33-37
Stan Tomalin  0 
15 Oct 2023 12:00  Sermon on the Mount:
6:30 - Adultery and divorce
(Matthew 5:27 - 32
Stan Tomalin  0 
8 Oct 2023 12:00  Sermon on the Mount:
6:30 - Murder and Anger
(Matthew 5:21-26
Neil King  0 
1 Oct 2023 12:00  Confirmation Service
(2 Corinthians 3:12 4-6
Mark Tanner  0 
24 Sep 2023 12:00  Sermon on the Mount:
6.30pm The Fulfillment of the Law
(Matthew 5:17-20
Phil Burrows  0