Date Title Speaker Count  
31 May 2015  God alone is king
(1 Samuel 2:12-7:17
Charlie Skrine  9 
31 May 2015  Death for the Son
(John 10:22-42
Aneirin Glyn  9 
31 May 2015  The imperishable beauty
(1 Peter 2:11-3:7
Andrew Sach  17 
28 May 2015  Certainty in the unstoppable work of Jesus 
Wes Illingsworth  7 
24 May 2015  God's agenda for His king
(1 Samuel 1:1-1 Samuel 2:11
Charlie Skrine  57 
24 May 2015  Life for the sheep; death for the shepherd
(John 10:1-21
Aneirin Glyn  18 
24 May 2015  Christ the Cornerstone
(1 Peter 2:4-10
Andrew Sach  13 
17 May 2015  Can I be sure? (6pm sb)
(John 1:12-13
William Taylor  12 
17 May 2015  Did Jesus really rise?
(John 20:1-31
William Taylor  18 
17 May 2015  Can I be sure?
(John 1:12-13
William Taylor  2 
14 May 2015  Why bother with Jesus? 
William Taylor  8 
10 May 2015  From indignation to implosion (6pm sb)
(Romans 1:22-32
William Taylor  14 
10 May 2015  The imperishable Word
(1 Peter 1:22-1 Peter 2:3
Andrew Sach  21 
10 May 2015  From indignation to implosion
(Romans 1:22-32
William Taylor  7 
7 May 2015  Do you have to lose your mind to be a Christian? 
William Taylor  10 
3 May 2015  God's Anger
(Romans 1:16-25
William Taylor  13 
3 May 2015  The imperishable blood
(1 Peter 1:13-21
Andrew Sach  22 
3 May 2015  God's Anger
(Romans 1:16-25
William Taylor  5 
30 Apr 2015  Have Christians anything worthwhile to say to Britain? 
William Taylor  6 
26 Apr 2015  God's Gospel (6pm sb)
(Romans 1:1-17
William Taylor  13