Date Title Speaker Count  
5 Jun 2016  Godly grief
(2 Corinthians 7:2-16
William Taylor  5 
5 Jun 2016  Fleeing temptation
(Genesis 39:1-39:23
Aneirin Glyn  1 
2 Jun 2016  Anger (TU sb) 
William Taylor  0 
29 May 2016  Found out
(Genesis 38:1-38:30
Aneirin Glyn  4 
29 May 2016  Investing in God's future
(Jeremiah 32:1-15
Andrew Sach  11 
29 May 2016  Humble and patient, but not weak
(2 Samuel 2:12-5:16
Charlie Skrine  17 
26 May 2016  Dont worry; seek Jesus (+interview Paul Vincent) 
Wes Illingsworth  2 
22 May 2016  Broken Dreams?
(Genesis 37:1-37:36
Aneirin Glyn  1 
22 May 2016  The New Covenant
(Jeremiah 31:31-34
David Jackman  124 
22 May 2016  The role of Jonathan
(2 Samuel 1:1-2:11
Charlie Skrine  21 
19 May 2016  What is the meaning of life? 
Roger Carswell  28 
15 May 2016  Prodigal People (6pm sb)
(Luke 14:15-24
Roger Carswell  23 
15 May 2016  The Prodigal Son
(Luke 15:11-32
Roger Carswell  24 
12 May 2016  Talk followd by interview with Simon Pilcher 
Wes Illingsworth  1 
12 May 2016  Who is Jesus for? 
Roger Carswell  8 
8 May 2016  to focus
(2 Peter 1:16-21
William Taylor  16 
8 May 2016  to focus (6pm sb)
(2 Peter 1:16-21
William Taylor  1 
8 May 2016  How to live in Babylon
(Jeremiah 29:1-23
David Jackman  78 
5 May 2016  Who is Jesus? 
Roger Carswell  14 
1 May 2016  to finish (6pm sb)
(2 Peter 1:9-15
William Taylor  4