Date Title Speaker Count  
8 Jun 2017  Stress-lite spirituality 
William Taylor  2 
4 Jun 2017  A walk from death (6pm sb)
(Genesis 5:1-5:32
William Taylor  8 
4 Jun 2017  A walk from death
(Genesis 5:1-5:32
William Taylor  9 
4 Jun 2017  The God Jonah doesn't believe in:Jonah1:1-16
(Jonah 1:1-16
Andrew Sach  32 
1 Jun 2017  Hope in the face of cancer 
Jeremy Marshall  4 
28 May 2017  The Hour - Death or Life?
(John 12:20-36
Charlie Skrine  13 
28 May 2017  King over all the earth
(Zechariah 14:1-21
Aneirin Glyn  5 
28 May 2017  Healed by his wounds
(1 Peter 2:11-25
Micky Mantle  13 
25 May 2017  Meaning in a temporary world 
Andrew Sach  14 
21 May 2017  Meaning in a temporary world
(Luke 24:36-53
Andrew Sach  20 
21 May 2017  Meaning in a temporary world
(Luke 24:36-53
Andrew Sach  14 
21 May 2017  Meaning in a temporary world
(Luke 24:36-53
Andrew Sach  34 
18 May 2017  Truth in a deceptive world 
Andrew Sach  21 
14 May 2017  A fountain opened
(Zechariah 12:1-Zechariah 13:9
Aneirin Glyn  7 
14 May 2017  Trusting the God who saves
(Micah 7:9-20
Charlie Skrine  22 
14 May 2017  The house to live for
(1 Chronicles 17:1-1 Chronicles 29:30
William Taylor  10 
11 May 2017  Wealth that really lasts 
William Taylor  4 
7 May 2017  Shepherd of the flock
(Zechariah 10:1-Zechariah 11:17
Aneirin Glyn  2 
7 May 2017  The king to live for
(1 Chronicles 13:1-1 Chronicles 16:43
William Taylor  11 
7 May 2017  The king who saves his people
(Micah 5:1-6
Charlie Skrine  31