Date Title Speaker Count  
13 Jun 2010  3. Islam: what would Jesus say to Mohammed?
(John 8:1-59
William Taylor  1 
13 Jun 2010  Islam: what would Jesus say to Mohammed?
(John 8:1-59
William Taylor  3 
13 Jun 2010  Relationships: me and God
(1 Peter 1:13-21
Paul Clarke  0 
10 Jun 2010  A liberated people 
Mark O'Donoghue  0 
6 Jun 2010  2. Gender and sexuality
(Genesis 2:15-2:25
William Taylor  1 
6 Jun 2010  Gender and sexuality
(Genesis 2:15-25
William Taylor  2 
6 Jun 2010  The service of God
(Joshua 24:1-33
David Jackman  21 
3 Jun 2010  A fearful nation 
Mark O'Donoghue  0 
30 May 2010  Saved by the servant
(Isaiah 55:1-13
Charlie Skrine  30 
30 May 2010  Has the kingdom come?
(Luke 17:11-37
Andrew Sach  11 
30 May 2010  The faithfulness of God
(Joshua 23:1-16
David Jackman  22 
27 May 2010  A servant king 
Mark O'Donoghue  1 
23 May 2010  Auditions for the Servant (4)
(Isaiah 52:13-Isaiah 53:12
Charlie Skrine  29 
23 May 2010  Better if a Millstone
(Luke 17:1-10
Andrew Sach  5 
23 May 2010  The Servant of God
(Joshua 14:1-15
David Jackman  29 
20 May 2010  An Unexpected Choice 
Mark O'Donoghue  1 
16 May 2010  The servant speaks
(Isaiah 49:1-Isaiah 52:15
Charlie Skrine  18 
16 May 2010  The Law, the Prophets and the Kingdom
(Luke 16:16-31
Andrew Sach  3 
16 May 2010  The presence of God
(Joshua 9:1-Joshua 10:43
David Jackman  33 
13 May 2010  Worth my trust 
William Taylor  0