Date Title Speaker Count  
27 May 2012  Do everything in love
(1 Corinthians 16:1-24
Charlie Skrine  19 
27 May 2012  One God and One Mediator
(1 Timothy 2:1-7
Tom Nash  0 
27 May 2012  The perils of 'as-if' religion
(Isaiah 58:1-14
Paul Clarke  7 
24 May 2012  Condemned and Crucified 
William Taylor  2 
20 May 2012  Don't labour in vain
(1 Corinthians 15:35-58
Charlie Skrine  8 
20 May 2012  Isn't 'being decent' good enough?
(Luke 18:18-30
David Cook  8 
20 May 2012  How can I have eternal life?
(Luke 10:21-42
David Cook  16 
17 May 2012  Tried and found innocent 
William Taylor  1 
13 May 2012  Lay your bets! Who does God accept?
(Luke 18:9-14
David Cook  10 
13 May 2012  For what should we pray?
(1 Timothy 2:1-7
Tom Nash  2 
13 May 2012  Who will dwell with God?
(Isaiah 56:1-Isaiah 57:21
Jamie Child  13 
10 May 2012  Arrested and Accused [TUsb] 
William Taylor  1 
6 May 2012  From Flood to Babel
(Genesis 10:1-Genesis 11:9
Aneirin Glyn  15 
6 May 2012  Come and feast
(Isaiah 55:1-55:13
Jamie Child  11 
3 May 2012  Isn't 'being decent' good enough? 
David Cook  6 
29 Apr 2012  Don't believe in vain
(1 Corinthians 15:1-19
Charlie Skrine  5 
29 Apr 2012  A new Adam?
(Genesis 8:20-Genesis 9:29
Aneirin Glyn  5 
29 Apr 2012  Hope for the barren woman
(Isaiah 54:1-17
Jamie Child  2 
22 Apr 2012  Our Omni God
(Psalm 139:1-24
David Cook  34 
22 Apr 2012  A New World ?
(Genesis 6:9-Genesis 8:19
Aneirin Glyn  4