Date Title Speaker Count
30 Jun 2002  'So the word of God spread'
(Acts 6:1-15
John Stott  150 
23 Jun 2002  'Fighting against God'
(Acts 5:17-42
Andy Rider  95 
16 Jun 2002  'Great fear seized the whole church'
(Acts 5:1-11
Paul Blackham  32 
09 Jun 2002  'In this name'
(Acts 4:13-31
Rico Tice  28 
26 May 2002  'Everything in common'
(Acts 2:42-47
Dallas Willard  35 
19 May 2002  'This is that'
(Acts 2:1-16
David Turner  23 
12 May 2002  'This same Jesus'
(Acts 1:1-11
Rupert Higgins  21