Date Title Speaker Count
04 Sep 2016  Israel asks for a king
(1 Samuel 8
James Fletcher  44 
28 Aug 2016  Victory at last
(1 Samuel 7:2-17
Al Gibbs  24 
07 Aug 2016  God will not be mocked
(1 Samuel 4:12-22
Richard Brash  19 
31 Jul 2016  God will not be used
(1 Samuel 4:1-11
Nick Wooldridge  19 
24 Jul 2016  God's voice is heard
(1 Samuel 3
Vaughan Roberts  69 
17 Jul 2016  'Those who honour me'
(Those who honour me) 
Vaughan Roberts  3 
10 Jul 2016  A son is born
(1 Samuel 1:1-2:11
Vaughan Roberts  72 
13 Mar 2011  Justice is done ' Saul is rejected
(1 Samuel 12:1-15:35
Vaughan Roberts  37 
13 Mar 2011  God's rule is rejected ' a king is appointed
(1 Samuel 8:1-11:15
Vaughan Roberts  43 
20 Feb 2011  The ark is lost and refound
(1 Samuel 4:2-7:17
Vaughan Roberts  26 
06 Feb 2011  God's voice is heard ' a prophet is called
(1 Samuel 2:12-4:1
Vaughan Roberts  35 
30 Jan 2011  God's grace at work ' a son is born
(1 Samuel 1:1-2:11
Vaughan Roberts  23 
15 May 2005  A triumph tarnished
(1 Samuel 14:1-52
Julian Bidgood  21 
01 May 2005  A royal rebuke
(1 Samuel 13:1-23
Julian Bidgood  24 
24 Apr 2005  A word of warning
(1 Samuel 12:1-25
Julian Bidgood  62 
17 Apr 2005  From mouse to man
(1 Samuel 10:17-11:15
Julian Bidgood  27 
10 Apr 2005  The tall guy
(1 Samuel 9:1-10:16
Glenn Nesbitt  30 
03 Apr 2005  The call for a king
(1 Samuel 8:1-22
Glenn Nesbitt  17