Date Title Speaker Count
20 Oct 2024  7. Tracing the promise
(Hebrews 11:1-22 & 39-40
Tom Inman  290 
13 Oct 2024  6. When the grass looks greener
(Genesis 36:1-19
Tom Inman  409 
06 Oct 2024  5. Changing world, unchanging God
(Genesis 35:1-29
Chris Edwards  321 
29 Sep 2024  4. Confronting evil - seeking good
(Genesis 33:18-34:31
Jonnie Armstrong  407 
22 Sep 2024  3. Family reunion
(Genesis 33:1-20
Tom Inman  343 
15 Sep 2024  2. Wrestling with God
(Genesis 32:22-32
Chris Edwards  370 
08 Sep 2024  1. Haunted by the past
(Genesis 32:1-21
Jonnie Armstrong  476