Date Title Speaker Count
14 Apr 2024  17. How not to be thirsty
(John 4:1-26
Tim Ward  532 
07 Apr 2024  16. Two ways to live
(John 3:22-36
Jon Tuckwell  521 
31 Mar 2024  15. Hiding in the shadows
(John 3:16-31
Jon Tuckwell  569 
29 Mar 2024  14. Reflections around the cross
(John 18-19
Jonnie Armstrong  605 
29 Mar 2024  13. The love of God
(John 3:14-17
Chris Edwards  559 
24 Mar 2024  12. How to stop a plague
(John 3:1-15
Jonnie Armstrong  558 
17 Mar 2024  11. Starting from scratch
(John 3:1-8
Chris Edwards  579 
10 Mar 2024  10. Why so angry?
(John 2:13-25
Jon Tuckwell  582 
03 Mar 2024  9. The feast that brings forgiveness
(John 2:1-12
Tom Inman  602 
25 Feb 2024  8. The feast that never ends
(John 2:1-12
Tom Inman  630 
18 Feb 2024  7. The feast that we've been waiting for
(John 2:1-12
Tom Inman  630 
11 Feb 2024  6. Knowing and being known
(John 1:35-51
Chris Edwards  645 
04 Feb 2024  5. The lamb of God
(John 1:29-34
Jon Tuckwell  654 
28 Jan 2024  4. Making paths straight
(John 1:19-28
Matt Porter  673 
21 Jan 2024  3. Grace upon grace
(John 1:15-18
Jon Tuckwell  696 
14 Jan 2024  2.Truth or no truth?
(John 1:9-14
Carl Brooks-Plunkett   721 
07 Jan 2024  1.How to understand everything
(John 1:1-9
Chris Edwards  776