Date Title Speaker Count
28 Aug 2023  God is in control - kingdoms may rise and fall but His kingdom will last forever
(Daniel 12:1-13
Nick Tucker  3 
21 Aug 2023  God’s people - the focus of history
(Daniel 11:1-45
Dan Henderson  3 
13 Aug 2023  An ongoing battle with a certain end
(Daniel 10:1-21; 1 Peter 1:3-5, 10-12
Tim Gage  0 
06 Aug 2023  A Model Person at Prayer
(Daniel 9:1-27
Ben Martin  1 
30 Jul 2023  Desperation and Restoration
(Daniel 8: 1-27
Don Bawtree  2 
24 Jul 2023  Live for a Kingdom that will Never Fail or Fade
(Daniel 7:1-28
Ben Martin  2 
20 Jul 2023  Biblical Wisdom on How to Survive the Lion’s Den
(Daniel 6:1-28
Stephen Demetriou  1 
04 Jul 2023  There is a God Who is over all
(Daniel 4:1-37
Nick Tucker  2 
27 Jun 2023  In the Power of Whose Hands?
(Daniel 3: 1-30
Ben Martin  2 
18 Jun 2023  There is a God in Heaven
(Daniel 2: 1-49
Don Bawtree  2 
12 Jun 2023  Faithful in a Hostile World
(Daniel 1: 1-21
Nick Tucker  5