Date Title Speaker Count
25 Oct 2015  Why the world hates Jesus
(John 7:1-36
Andrew Bellis  21 
12 Jul 2015  Bad reasons to follow Jesus
(John 6:15-27
Andrew Holt  27 
05 Jul 2015  Not the King we want - the King we need
(John 6:1-15
Andrew Holt  23 
15 Feb 2015  Why don't more people believe?
(John 5:31-47
Andrew Holt  21 
08 Feb 2015  If you don't know Jesus, you don't know God
(John 5:19-30
Andrew Holt  19 
01 Feb 2015  Do you want healing?
(John 5:1-18
Andrew Holt  20 
25 Jan 2015  Do we want the right things from Jesus?
(John 4:43-52
Andrew Holt  21 
18 Jan 2015  The work that satisfies
(John 4:27-42
Andrew Holt  22 
11 Jan 2015  Only Jesus can satisfy
(John 4:1-30
Andrew Bellis  14 
23 Nov 2014  He must become greater, we must become less
(John 3:22-36
Andrew Bellis  10 
16 Nov 2014  For God so loved the world
(John 3:1-21
Andrew Bellis  11