Date Title Speaker Count
25 Nov 2012  The down-to-earth God
(Luke 9:37-50
Vaughan Roberts  54 
18 Nov 2012  Jesus the one and only
(Luke 9:28-36
Vaughan Roberts  47 
11 Nov 2012  Dying to live
(Luke 9:18-27
Vaughan Roberts  53 
28 Oct 2012  A question of identity
(Luke 9:1-17
Vaughan Roberts  64 
21 Oct 2012  Jesus' authority over nature
(Luke 8:22-25
Vaughan Roberts  26 
14 Oct 2012  The most important decision in your life
(Luke 8:16-21
Vaughan Roberts  15 
07 Oct 2012  The best news in the world
(Luke 8:1-15
Vaughan Roberts  34 
11 Mar 2012  Good news when you're stricken with guilt
(Luke 7:36-50
Vaughan Roberts  55 
26 Feb 2012  Good news when you're looking for answers
(Luke 7:18-35
Vaughan Roberts  92 
19 Feb 2012  Good news when you're confronted by death
(Luke 7:11-17
Vaughan Roberts  97 
12 Feb 2012  Good news when you're out of your depth
(Luke 7:1-17
Vaughan Roberts  69