Date Title Speaker Count
30 May 2021  What the Bible says about the end of the world?
(Revelation 22:6-21
Andrew Sach  282 
23 May 2021  Know whom you're becoming
(Revelation 21:9-22:5
Andrew Latimer  224 
16 May 2021  What we believe about the future, seeps back into the present...
(Revelation 21:1-8
Andrew Latimer  213 
09 May 2021  'Don't find yourself on the wrong side of history'
(Revelation 20:1-15
Andrew Latimer  343 
02 May 2021  Revelation 19:11-21
(Revelation 19:11-21
Andrew Latimer  221 
25 Apr 2021  Revelation 19:6-10
(Revelation 19:6-10
Andrew Sach  204 
18 Apr 2021  'How much would it cost you to leave Babylon?'
(Revelation 18:1-19:5
Andrew Sach  262 
11 Apr 2021  A tale of two cities
(Revelation 17:1-18
Andrew Sach  277 
28 Feb 2021  Why doesn’t God do something?
(Revelation 15:5-16:21
Andrew Latimer  243 
21 Feb 2021  'Is it time to leave the Doctrine of God's judgement behind?'
(Revelation 14-15
Andrew Latimer  271 
14 Feb 2021  'Know thy enemy'
(Revelation 13:1-14:5
Andrew Latimer  257 
07 Feb 2021  Doesn’t the church’s weakness indicate the devil is winning?
(Revelation 11:19-12.17
Andrew Latimer  288 
31 Jan 2021  Martyrs to the cause
(Revelation 10-11
Andrew Sach  312 
24 Jan 2021  The Seven Trumpets
(Revelation 8:1-9:21
Andrew Sach  473 
17 Jan 2021  "You've heard of the mark of the beast but..."
(Revelation 7
Andrew Sach  508 
10 Jan 2021  The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
(Revelation 6
Andrew Sach  713