Date Title Speaker Count
13 Jun 2021  'Five ways to thrive in a post-pandemic world' with Michael Ots and Andy Mayo 
Michael Ots; Andy Mayo  0 
07 Feb 2021  With Cornel Hrisca-Munn 
Cornel Hrisca-Munn; Phil Vellacott  4 
18 Oct 2020  - 'Following God's love to serve Syria with Samara Levy' 
Samara Levy; Josh Mills; Amy Ledger  0 
14 Jun 2020  - 'This world: why so broken? with Michael Ots' 
Michael Ots; Andy Mayo; Josie Evans  0 
13 Oct 2019  - 'Faith and Fashion - a morning with Simon Ward' 
Simon Ward; Josh Mills  0 
14 Oct 2018  - 'Jesus for Sceptics' 
Michael Green; Andy Mayo  2 
10 Jun 2018  - 'Loving others because we are loved' 
Dave Kitson; Hana Kitson; Phl Vellacott  5 
04 Feb 2018  - 'A Rhyme for all Time' 
Andy Diggins; Kylie Dyer  0 
22 Oct 2017  with special guest Martha Collison 
Martha Collison; Josh Mills  0 
14 May 2017  (32) - 'Revolution' 
Andy Mayo; Natt Orr; Rod Burlton  0 
25 Sep 2016  (29) - 'Under Pressure' 
Josh Mills; Matt Baggott; Stacey Clark  0 
03 Jul 2016  (28) - 'Imaginary God?' 
Andy Mayo  1 
28 Feb 2016  (27) - '3 Years at War' 
Josh Mills; Josh Fortune  0 
20 Sep 2015  (26) - 'Suffering - Why?' 
Andy Mayo; Mavis Clargo  0 
05 Jul 2015  (24) - 'Rock & Roll and Redemption' with Special guest Donna Matthews 
Josh Mills; Donna Matthews  3 
22 Mar 2015  (23) - 'Many Paths to God?' 
Andy Mayo  0 
13 Jul 2014  (22) - 'FREEDOM' - The Copper and The Con 
Andy Mayo;  0 
30 Mar 2014  (21) - 'Easter café - Why did Jesus die?' 
Andy Mayo; Ben Hardy; Rosslyn Hill; Catriona Coombs; Charis Downs  0 
09 Feb 2014  (20) - 'Naomi Carter and Andy Diggins share their experiences' 
Andy Jack; Naomi Cater; Andy Diggins  2 
03 Nov 2013  (19) - 'Buses, Borders and Bombs!' 
Andy Diggins; Ian Mayo  14 
17 Mar 2013  (17) - 'Easter: Empty tomb or empty hope?' 
Andy Mayo  0 
27 Jan 2013  (16) - 'With Peter Gladwin' 
Josh Mills  0 
14 Oct 2012  (15) - 'With singer and actress Tabitha Webb' 
Andy Jack  0 
06 May 2012  (14) - 'Film Café' 
Andy Mayo  0 
15 Jan 2012  (13) - 'Walking with the wounded' 
Andy Jack  0 
09 Oct 2011  (12) - 'Stories from the Front Line' 
Josh Mills  0 
24 Jul 2011  (11) - 'GET REAL' 
Andy Mayo  0