Date Title Speaker Count
07 Mar 2021  'To the praise of His glorious grace'
(Romans 11:25-36
Phil Vellacott  3 
28 Feb 2021  'It's not the end of the story'
(Romans 11:11-24
Andy Diggins  2 
21 Feb 2021  'The remnant'
(Romans 11:1-10
Dan Hubbard  1 
14 Feb 2021  'The great word of Christ'
(Romans 10:4-21
Phil Vellacott  1 
24 Jan 2021  'Christ the king of all'
(Romans 9:30-10:4
Josh Mills  1 
17 Jan 2021  'God is more gracious than we think'
(Romans 9:14-29
Phil Vellacott  4 
10 Jan 2021  'God's word has not failed'
(Romans 9:1-13
Phil Vellacott  3 
29 Nov 2020  'Groans & Glory'
(Romans 8:18-30
Dan Hubbard  2 
22 Nov 2020  'No condemnation'
(Romans 8:1-17
Phil Vellacott  0 
15 Nov 2020  'The struggle within'
(Romans 7
Phil Vellacott  10 
08 Nov 2020  'Slaves to God'
(Romans 6:15-23
Phil Vellacott  0 
01 Nov 2020  'Dead to sin'
(Romans 6:1-14
Dan Hubbard  1 
25 Oct 2020  'Grace trumps sin'
(Romans 5:12-21
Phil Vellacott  0 
11 Oct 2020  'Peace with God'
(Romans 5:1-11
Paul Mayo  4 
04 Oct 2020  'God's Great Promise'
(Romans 4:13-25
Phil Vellacott  0 
27 Sep 2020  'No longer boasting'
(Romans 3:27-4:3
Phil Vellacott  0 
20 Sep 2020  'Recap of
(Romans 1:1-3:26'
Josh Mills  1 
22 Dec 2019  'But God's righteousness is now revealed'
(Romans 3:21-26
Dan Hubbard  2 
08 Dec 2019  'Why we cannot save ourselves'
(Romans 3:9-20
Josh Mills  1 
01 Dec 2019  'God can save the world without me'
(Romans 3:1-8
Dave Hughes  4 
24 Nov 2019  'The need for a changed heart'
(Romans 2:12-29
Phil Vellacott  0 
17 Nov 2019  'God's patience with us'
(Romans 2:1-11
Phil Vellacott  0 
10 Nov 2019  'Good news in bad news - God's wrath'
(Romans 1:18-32
Paul Mayo  4 
03 Nov 2019  'Paul's pride in the gospel'
(Romans 1:14-17
Phil Vellacott  0 
27 Oct 2019  'Paul's love for the Romans'
(Romans 1:8-13
Andy Mayo  0 
20 Oct 2019  'Christ's love for the Romans'
(Romans 1:1-7
Phil Vellacott  2 
26 May 2019  'Personality Development - God's way'
(Romans 12:1-8
Chris Short  2 
26 Jun 2016  'Confidence in God's love'
(Romans 8:31-39
Andy Diggins  0 
19 Jun 2016  'Confidence in God's plan'
(Romans 8:18-30
Josh Mills  0 
12 Jun 2016  'Confidence in our hope'
(Romans 8:17-25
Josh Mills  0 
05 Jun 2016  'Confidence in the Spirit'
(Romans 8:9-17
Phil Vellacott  0 
29 May 2016  'Confidence in Christ's work'
(Romans 8:1-8
Josh Mills  0 
15 May 2016  'No confidence in myself'
(Romans 7
Phil Vellacott  1