Date Title Speaker Count
29 Nov 2009  The power of Jesus
(Luke 4:31-44
Vaughan Roberts  43 
22 Nov 2009  The manifesto of Jesus
(Luke 4:13-30
Vaughan Roberts  52 
15 Nov 2009  The temptation of Jesus
(Luke 4:1-12
Vaughan Roberts  65 
01 Nov 2009  Where did Jesus come from?
(Luke 3:21-38
Vaughan Roberts  40 
25 Oct 2009  Are you ready to meet God?
(Luke 3:1-20
Vaughan Roberts  66 
18 Oct 2009  Is Jesus really for everyone?
(Luke 2:21-52
Vaughan Roberts  52 
11 Oct 2009  Is Christianity really good news?
(Luke 2:1-20
Vaughan Roberts  54 
27 Sep 2009  John: the forerunner
(Luke 1:57-80
Vaughan Roberts  72 
20 Sep 2009  Mary: the virgin mother
(Luke 1:26-56
Vaughan Roberts  104 
13 Sep 2009  Luke: a careful historian
(Luke 1:1-24
Vaughan Roberts  94