Date Title Speaker Count
09 Mar 2008  A new struggle
(Romans 7:14-25
Vaughan Roberts  76 
02 Mar 2008  A new freedom
(Romans 7:1-13
Vaughan Roberts  98 
24 Feb 2008  A new master
(Romans 6:15-23
Vaughan Roberts  44 
17 Feb 2008  A new lifestyle
(Romans 6:1-14
Vaughan Roberts  26 
03 Feb 2008  A new humanity
(Romans 5:12-21
Vaughan Roberts  52 
28 Oct 2007  How can I have hope for the future?
(Romans 5:1-11
Vaughan Roberts  28 
21 Oct 2007  How can I be right with God?
(Romans 4:1-23
Vaughan Roberts  90 
14 Oct 2007  How can I be sure that God is just?
(Romans 3:25-31
Vaughan Roberts  17 
07 Oct 2007  How can I be free from guilt?
(Romans 3:21-24
Vaughan Roberts  33 
29 Oct 2006  Why everyone needs Jesus
(Romans 3:1-20
Vaughan Roberts  83 
22 Oct 2006  Why being good is not enough
(Romans 2:1-29
Vaughan Roberts  110 
15 Oct 2006  Why God is so angry
(Romans 1:18-32
Vaughan Roberts  59 
08 Oct 2006  Why Christianity is such good news
(Romans 1:16-17
Vaughan Roberts  51 
01 Oct 2006  Why Christ is worth serving
(Romans 1:1-15
Vaughan Roberts  85